Table of Contents
- HtmlPageInterface
- PageInterface
- ResolverInterface
- AccountInterface
- QueueMessageInterface
- QueueWorkerInterface
- RouterInterface
- WebRouterInterface
- App
- App class
- BaseCodeBlock
- Base for code blocks
- BaseCommand
- Base for cli commands
- BaseExecCommand
- Base for cli commands
- CodeGeneratorCommand
- Base for "generation" commands
- ContainerAwareObject
- Base for objects that are aware of Container
- AdminFormPage
- Base for admin form page
- AdminJsonPage
- Base JSON page on admin
- AdminManageFrontendModelsPage
- Base for admin page that manages a Frontend Model
- AdminManageModelsPage
- Base for admin page that manages a Model
- AdminPage
- Base for admin pages
- AdminRestPage
- Base for rest endpoints
- BaseHtmlPage
- Base for pages rendering an html response
- BaseJsonPage
- Base for pages rendering a JSON response
- BasePage
- Base for all controllers
- BaseRestPage
- Base for rest endpoints
- BaseWebhookPage
- Base for pages rendering a Webhook response
- BaseXMLPage
- Base for pages rendering an XML response
- FormPage
- Base frontend page for displaying a form
- FrontendPage
- Base for frontend pages
- FrontendPageWithObject
- Base for a page displaying a model
- LoggedUserFormPage
- Base for admin form page
- LoggedUserPage
- Base for admin pages
- BaseMigration
- Base for migration objects
- DBMigration
- Base for database migrations
- AccountModel
- A account model
- BaseCollection
- A LessQL Collection
- BaseModel
- A wrapper for LessQL Row
- FrontendModel
- A model that will be shown on frontend
- FrontendModelWithChildren
- A model that will be shown on frontend with children
- ModelWithChildren
- A model with children
- ModelWithLocation
- A model with location
- ModelWithLocationCollection
- A LessQL Collection
- Webhook
- Webhook class
- BaseQueueWorker
- Base for queue workers
- BaseRouter
- Base Router Class
- NullPage
- This page does nothing
- BlockedIpException
- "Blocked IP" exception
- InvalidValueException
- "Invalid value" exception
- NotAllowedException
- "Not Allowed exception
- NotFoundException
- "Not Found" exception
- OfflineException
- "Site offline" exception
- PermissionDeniedException
- "Permission denied" exception
- Entrypoint
- Base for all controllers
- Collection
- Overrides migrations collection in order to have them sorted
- Factory
- Migration factory override
- RouteInfo
- Route Information Class
- Manager
- Application Logger Manager
- Manager
- Assets manager
- Manager
- Cache Manager
- CollectionDataCollector
- Page data collector for debugging
- PageDataCollector
- Page data collector for debugging
- RedisDataCollector
- Redis data collector for debugging
- UserDataCollector
- Session data collector for debugging
- SiteBase
- Plates template helper
- Manager
- Redis Manager
- Manager
- Search Manager
- Globals
- Global utils functions Helper Class
- HtmlPartsRenderer
- Html Parts Renderer Helper Class
- Mailer
- Mailer Helper Class
- SiteData
- Site Data Helper Class
- Zip
- Zip utils functions Helper Class
- AuthorInfo
- AuthorInfo Block
- BreadCrumbs
- Breadcrumbs Block
- ChangeLanguage
- Change Language Block
- CookieNotice
- CookieNotice Block
- GTM Block
- LinkToUserArea
- Link to user area Block
- RewriteMedia
- Rewrite Media Block
- Search
- Search Block
- SecondaryMenu
- Secondary Menu Block
- YearCopy
- Year&Copy Block
- Deploy
- App Deploy Command
- ModEnv
- Modify Env Command
- Offline
- Site Offline Command
- Online
- Site Online Command
- Routes
- Show Routes Command
- Serve
- Http Server Command
- Shell
- Application Shell Command
- UpdateSalt
- Update Salt Command
- Clear
- Cache Clear Command
- Disable
- Cache Disable Command
- DisableFpc
- Full Page Cache Disable Command
- Enable
- Cache Enable Command
- EnableFpc
- Full Page Cache Enable Command
- Get
- Cache Get Element Command
- Stats
- Cache Statistics Command
- Add
- Add Configuration Command
- Delete
- Delete Configuration Command
- Edit
- Edit Configuration Command
- Show
- Show Config Command
- Run
- Run Cron Command
- Show
- Show Cron Command
- Dump
- Dump Database Command
- GetSql
- Migrate Database Command
- Migrate
- Migrate Database Command
- MigrateOptionals
- Migrate Database Optionals Command
- Restore
- Restore Dump Command
- Shell
- Database Shell Command
- Psysh
- Block
- Generate Block Command
- Command
- Generate Command Command
- Controller
- Generate Controller Command
- CronTask
- Generate CronTask Command
- Docs
- Generate Documentation Command
- Model
- Generate Model Command
- RsaKey
- Generate RSA Key Command
- Hello
- Hello Command
- Stats
- Information Statistics Command
- Test
- Information Statistics Command
- ClearThumbs
- Clear Thumbnails Command
- Process
- Process Queue Command
- Restart
- Restart Queue Command
- Stats
- Information Statistics Command
- Test
- Test Queue Command
- Disable
- Redis Disable Command
- Enable
- Redis Enable Command
- Flush
- Information Statistics Command
- Get
- Information Statistics Command
- Keys
- Information Statistics Command
- Add
- Add Role Command
- Delete
- Delete Role Command
- Grant
- Grant Permission to Role Command
- Revoke
- Revoke Permission from Role Command
- Show
- Show Roles Command
- Disable
- Search Disable Command
- Enable
- Search Enable Command
- Flush
- Index data for search engine
- Indexer
- Index data for search engine
- Stats
- Cache Statistics Command
- Disable
- 2FA Disable Command
- Enable
- 2FA Enable Command
- Add
- Add User Command
- Clear2Fa
- Clear2Fa User Command
- Delete
- Delete User Command
- Lock
- Lock User Command
- Password
- Change User Password Command
- Show
- Show Users Command
- Unlock
- Unlock User Command
- Add
- Add Website Command
- Delete
- Delete Website Command
- Edit
- Edit Website Command
- Show
- Show Website Command
- ApplicationLogs
- "Application Logs" Admin Page
- BanIP
- Class BanIP
- Blocks
- "Blocks" Admin Page
- Config
- "Config" Admin Page
- ContactForms
- "ContactForms" Admin Page
- Cron
- "Cron" Admin Page
- Dashboard
- "Dashboard" Admin Page
- Elasticsearch
- "Elasticsearch" Admin Page
- Events
- "Events" Admin Page
- Exports
- "Exports" Admin Page
- Imports
- "Imports" Admin Page
- Index
- "Index" Admin Page
- ChatGPT
- ChatGPT Admin
- CheckSession
- Check Admin Session
- ContactCallback
- Contact Form AJAX callback
- FetchNotifications
- Fetch Notifications
- GoogleGemini
- GoogleGemini Admin
- MediaPages
- pages for media JSON
- PageMedia
- media for page JSON
- PageTerms
- terms for page JSON
- ReadDocs
- ReadDocs Admin
- SitemapCallback
- Contact Form AJAX callback
- TermPages
- pages for term in JSON format
- UISettings
- UISettings Admin
- WebsiteLanguagesCallback
- Contact Form AJAX callback
- Languages
- "Languages" Admin Page
- Links
- "Links" Admin Page
- Login
- Login Page
- Logout
- "Logout" Admin Page
- Logs
- "Logs" Admin Page
- Media
- "Media" Admin Page
- MediaRewrites
- "MediaRewrites" Admin Page
- Menus
- "Menus" Admin Page
- Minipaint
- "Minipaint" Admin Page
- MinipaintSave
- "MinipaintSave" Admin Page
- News
- "News" Admin Page
- Pages
- "Pages" Admin Page
- Permissions
- "Permissions" Admin Page
- Phpinfo
- "Phoinfo" Admin Page
- Queue
- "Queue" Admin Page
- Redirects
- "Redirects" Admin Page
- Rewrites
- "Rewrites" Admin Page
- Roles
- "Roles" Admin Page
- Routes
- "Routes" Admin Page
- ServerStats
- "ServerStats" Admin Page
- Sitemaps
- "Sitemaps" Admin Page
- Stats
- "Stats" Admin Page
- Taxonomy
- "Taxonomy" Admin Page
- TwoFa
- "2Fa" Page
- UserNotifications
- "User Notifications" Admin Page
- Users
- "Users" Admin Page
- Websites
- "Websites" Admin Page
- ContactForm
- Contact Form Page
- EventDetail
- Event Detail Page
- EventList
- Events List Page
- Links
- Link Exchange Page
- NewsDetail
- News Detail Page
- NewsList
- News List Page
- Page
- A Site Page
- Search
- Search page
- Sitemap
- A Sitemap
- Taxonomy
- Taxonomy Term Detail Page
- Index
- "Index" Logged Page
- Login
- Login Page
- Logout
- "Logout" Logged Page
- PasswordForgot
- PasswordForgot Page
- Profile
- "Profile" Logged Page
- TwoFa
- "2Fa" Page
- CacheManager
- Cache manager cron
- DbManager
- Cache manager cron
- HeartBeat
- Cron HeartBeat
- SearchManager
- Cron Search Related
- Blocks
- Blocks REST endpoint
- Configs
- Configs REST endpoint
- Events
- Events REST endpoint
- Languages
- Languages REST endpoint
- Links
- Links REST endpoint
- Media
- Media REST endpoint
- MediaRewrites
- MediaRewrites REST endpoint
- News
- News REST endpoint
- Pages
- Pages REST endpoint
- Permissions
- Permissions REST endpoint
- Rewrites
- Rewrites REST endpoint
- Roles
- Roles REST endpoint
- Taxonomy
- Taxonomy REST endpoint
- Token
- Users REST endpoint
- UserNotifications
- User Notifications REST endpoint
- Users
- Users REST endpoint
- Websites
- Websites REST endpoint
- UncachableBlock
- Uncachanble Blocks render REST endpoint
- Configuration
- Greetings
- MenuTree
- PageRegions
- Search
- Translations
- AddExecutedAtToQueueMessages
- add "executed at" to queue table migration
- AddLevelToMenuTableMigration
- "add level column" to menu table migration
- AddNavigatorToAdminActionLogTableMigration
- "add user_agent column" to admin_action_log table migration
- AddNavigatorToRequestLogTableMigration
- "add user_agent column" to request_log table migration
- AddParentIdColumnToMediaElementTable
- add "parent_id" to media element table migration
- AddPathAndLevelToTaxonomyTableMigration
- "add path and leve columns" to taxonomy table migration
- AddReadAtSenderToUserNotifications
- add "read at" and "sender" to user notification table migration
- AddReplyToToUserNotifications
- add "reply to" to user notification table migration
- AddUserLockingMigration
- "user" table migration
- CreateAdminActionLogTableMigration
- "admin_action_log" table migration
- CreateApplicationLogTableMigration
- "application_log" table migration
- CreateBlocksRewritesTableMigration
- "block_rewrite" table migration
- CreateBlocksTableMigration
- "block" table migration
- CreateConfigurationTableMigration
- "configuration" table migration
- CreateContactDefinitionTableMigration
- "contact_definition" table migration
- CreateContactSubmissionDataTableMigration
- "contact_submission_data" table migration
- CreateContactSubmissionTableMigration
- "contact_submission" table migration
- CreateContactTableMigration
- "contact" table migration
- CreateCronLogTableMigration
- "cron_log" table migration
- CreateCronTaskTableMigration
- "cron_task" table migration
- CreateEventsTableMigration
- "events" table migration
- CreateLanguagesTableMigration
- "language" table migration
- CreateLinkExchangeTableMigration
- "link_exchange" table migration
- CreateLinkExchangeTaxonomyTableMigration
- "link_exchange_taxonomy" table migration
- CreateMailLogTableMigration
- "mail_log" table migration
- CreateMediaElementsRewritesTableMigration
- "media_element_rewrite" table migration
- CreateMediaElementsTableMigration
- "media_element" table migration
- CreateMenusTableMigration
- "menu" table migration
- CreateNewsTableMigration
- "news" table migration
- CreatePagesMediaElementsTableMigration
- "page_media_element" table migration
- CreatePagesTableMigration
- "page" table migration
- CreatePagesTaxonomyTableMigration
- "page_taxonomy" table migration
- CreatePermissionsTableMigration
- "permission" table migration
- CreatePositionTableMigration
- "position" table migration
- CreateQueueMessageTableMigration
- "queue_message" table migration
- CreateRedirectsTableMigration
- "redirect" table migration
- CreateRequestLogTableMigration
- "request_log" table migration
- CreateRewritesTableMigration
- "rewrite" table migration
- CreateRewriteTranslationsTableMigration
- "rewrite_translation" table migration
- CreateRolesPermissionsTableMigration
- "role_permission" table migration
- CreateRolesTableMigration
- "role" table migration
- CreateSitemapsRewritesTableMigration
- "block_rewrite" table migration
- CreateSitemapsTableMigration
- "sitemap" table migration
- CreateTaxonomyTableMigration
- "taxonomy" table migration
- CreateUserNotificationsTableMigration
- "notifications" table migration
- CreateUsers2FaTableMigration
- "create users_2fa table migration
- CreateUserSessionsTableMigration
- "user" table migration
- CreateUsersTableMigration
- "user" table migration
- CreateWebsiteTableMigration
- "website" table migration
- InitialDataMigration
- basic data migration
- FakeDataMigration
- fake data migration
- AdminActionLog
- Admin Action Log Model
- ApplicationLog
- Application Log Model
- Block
- Block Model
- Configuration
- Configuration Model
- Contact
- Contact Form Model
- ContactSubmission
- Contact Submission Model
- CronLog
- Cron Log Model
- CronTask
- Cron Task Model
- Event
- Event Model
- GuestUser
- Guest User Model
- Language
- Language Model
- LinkExchange
- Link Exchange Model
- MailLog
- Mail Log Model
- MediaElement
- Media Element Model
- MediaElementRewrite
- Media Element Rewrite Pivot Model
- Menu
- Menu Item Model
- News
- News Model
- Page
- Page Model
- Permission
- Permission Model
- QueueMessage
- Queue Message Model
- Redirect
- Redirect Model
- RequestLog
- Request Log Model
- Rewrite
- Rewrite Model
- RewriteTranslation
- Rewrite Translation Model
- Role
- Role Model
- RolePermission
- Role Permission Pivot Model
- Sitemap
- Sitemap Model
- Taxonomy
- Taxonomy Model
- User
- User Model
- User2Fa
- User 2Fa Model
- UserNotification
- User Notification Model
- UserSession
- User Session Model
- Website
- Website Model
- Worker
- Contacts Form Queue Worker
- Worker
- InternalMail Queue Worker
- Worker
- Links Form Queue Worker
- Worker
- Test Queue Worker
- Crud
- Crud Router Class
- Graphql
- Graphql Router Class
- Web
- Web Router Class
- Webhooks
- Webhooks Router Class
- Test
- Base for pages rendering a Webhook response
- AdminFormTrait
- Administration Forms Trait
- AdminTrait
- Administration pages Trait
- BlockTrait
- Block Trait
- ContainerAwareTrait
- Container Aware Object Trait
- FormPageTrait
- Form Page Trait
- FrontendModelTrait
- Trait for frontend models
- FrontendPageTrait
- Frontend pages Trait
- IndexableTrait
- Trait for elements that can be indexed
- PageTrait
- Pages Trait
- TemplatePageTrait
- ToolsTrait
- utils Trait
- TranslatorsTrait
- Translators Trait
- WithChildrenTrait
- Trait for elements with children
- WithLatLngTrait
- Trait for elements with latitude and longitude
- WithOwnerTrait
- Trait for elements with getOwner
- WithParentTrait
- Trait for elements with parent
- WithRewriteTrait
- Trait for elements with rewrite
- WithWebsiteTrait
- Trait for elements with Website